Thursday 23 November 2017


There are three things that you are to are to place serious moderation on if you must go far in life. Viz:
- Sleep
- Talk
- Food

- Sleep: Sensitive issues are discussed when most people are asleep. Critical decisions are taken in the dark hours of the night when several hundreds of thousands of people are in the dreamland journey.
The time when the lazy man is sleeping, the diligent is either setting up a new plan, seeing to the progress of an existing plan and how checking up on the executed plans.
- Talk: Of a truth, the mouth is given to all to utter words but it shouldn't be every discussion that you should be engaged in. You are only to talk when what you'll say will be of importance. If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all because whatever you say goes into record, either on paper or in the mind. Restricting yourself from unnecessary discussions will hinder you from been drained of thinking power.
- Food: The importance of food cannot be overemphasized. Even at that, restrictions must be placed on:
+what you eat
+where you eat
+whose food you eat
+what time you eat
+how you eat
If you are given to the appetite of sleep, definitely great opportunities will slip off you.
If you are given to the appetite of talk, you'll lost virtues so easily.
If you are given to the appetite of food, tame it because such person soon become a fool when full of food.

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