Monday, 17 July 2017



_An Apostle who became an Apostate_
_An Ambassador who became an Antichrist_
_A Believer who became a A Betrayer_
_A Convert who became Covetous_
_A Disciple who became Devilish_
_An Externally Righteous follower who was Extremely Rotten on the inside_
_A Friend who became a Foe_
_A man that fell from Grace to Grass_
_He was Heaven's Candidate, he became Hell's Captive_
_He Forsook Jesus to Face Judgement_
_He was Instructed but was Incorrigible_
_He was the King's Acquaintance who became a Kissing Adversary_
_The Love of the master had gone away from him, he had the Love of Money_
_He was a Leader who became Lost_
_A Minister who replaced the love of his Master with the love of Mammon_
_A Negotiator at the price of perdition_
_An Opportunist who became Obstinate_
_A Preacher who became a Pervert_
_He was a Quiet Fellow but of a  Questionable Character_
_He was a Reaper who became Reprobate_
_A Schemer who Sold his Soul to Satan_
_A Teacher who became Treacherous_
_He was Used to become of no Use_
_He was a Vulture who Violated his own Vow_
_A Watchman who became a Wolf_
_He was eXalted to great opportunity but was eXpelled from Paradise_
_Yoked to Satan after Yielding to the Saviour_
_He was Zealous for Money, he was Zero in ministry._

_I Corinthians 10:12_
_John 6:68_
_Don't turn back from following the LORD_
*Pastor W. F. Kumuyi - MBS 17-07-2017*

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