True Oh true brother!
Holiness was their watchword when they began
They could do nothing without approaching the throne of grace
Their holy living with grace got them special anointing
But the anointing got intoxicated along the way
That the foundation of holiness was dropped
Before long grace fell of their life
Unknown that they also had fallen off grace
They continue alone with anointing
They were not conscious of the two wings
On which the anointing lies
Holiness and grace they refuted
Alas! It was over when they passed away
They thought it was the matter of anointing
Until they arrived the pearly gate
Anointing is needed on earth was on the inscription he saw
But boldly underlying was HOLINESS IS THE KEY TO ENTER HERE (HEAVEN)
Down they had to go along the rail
Never knew how all got drained
Gently down the dangerous steep they move
Unknown to them that the time of grace has expired
They thought it was the matter of anointing
But they forgot that the foundation of holiness and grace should never be neglected
That if they want their anointing to carry them to a holy place (heaven)
Their heads must not lack the ointment of grace
Neither should their be a trace of unholiness in their life
Unfortunately, they have found themselves in the dreadful path
To a place where they will holy men never go
True is it that they had the anointing but because holiness was missing
They missed heaven and sank down in hell
There are more HOLY men in Heaven than ANOINTED men.
There are SOME Anointed men in hell but NO Holy man in hell.
Therefore, be holy, live holy & stay holy
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