Sunday, 30 April 2017



1 Peter 1:22 (KJV)  Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:

The topic of love is not new to all a sundry but the origination, authenticity and efficiency of that love is of necessity.

Of course, true and genuine love originates from the Lord God, Himself. It is shed abroad in the heart in which its taking its source from. "I love you" is a common statement easily heard in the streets, roads, over the media or in the church. Most of the times, the utterances are made from either mere infatuation, just to fulfill protocols or to give people what they really want to here even if you don't mean it. It is very rare for one to find people whose utterances of "I love you" really takes it's source from the heart.
As Christians, we are meant to show that kind of love our Saviour showed to mankind because it's a love that is from the heart.

"Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit". The pure and the true love that the world needs today is that which has passed through the purifying experience of the heart. The purifying experience brings about:
_redefined thoughts
_redefined actions
_redefined words
_redefined conscience
_redefined way of life
_redefined pursuit
_redefined love
After experiencing purification of the heart, then the authenticity of your love can be linked to a pure and divine source - agape.

The efficiency of the agape love cannot be overemphasised. It is going to go through the darkest night unstained and pass through the greatest trouble without being adulterated. This kind of love has a fervency in it that will never be found in the ungodly show of emotion which some people called love. The efficiency of love can therefore be said to lie in it's fervency. How???
F_Faithful in Friendship & Fellowship
E_Efficient in Everything
R_Rare in Resilience
V_Very humble to the Vein
E_Exceptional in Excellent Examples
N_Nutures without Nagging
C_Caring even if Costly
Y_Yielding always to God's Yes

"see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently"

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