Sunday, 30 April 2017


In this new month, I pray:
More Abundance for You;
Mercy Avails for You;
Miracles Abide with You;
From now onward in Jesus name.
Good morning and welcome to May.



1 Peter 1:22 (KJV)  Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:

The topic of love is not new to all a sundry but the origination, authenticity and efficiency of that love is of necessity.

Of course, true and genuine love originates from the Lord God, Himself. It is shed abroad in the heart in which its taking its source from. "I love you" is a common statement easily heard in the streets, roads, over the media or in the church. Most of the times, the utterances are made from either mere infatuation, just to fulfill protocols or to give people what they really want to here even if you don't mean it. It is very rare for one to find people whose utterances of "I love you" really takes it's source from the heart.
As Christians, we are meant to show that kind of love our Saviour showed to mankind because it's a love that is from the heart.

"Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit". The pure and the true love that the world needs today is that which has passed through the purifying experience of the heart. The purifying experience brings about:
_redefined thoughts
_redefined actions
_redefined words
_redefined conscience
_redefined way of life
_redefined pursuit
_redefined love
After experiencing purification of the heart, then the authenticity of your love can be linked to a pure and divine source - agape.

The efficiency of the agape love cannot be overemphasised. It is going to go through the darkest night unstained and pass through the greatest trouble without being adulterated. This kind of love has a fervency in it that will never be found in the ungodly show of emotion which some people called love. The efficiency of love can therefore be said to lie in it's fervency. How???
F_Faithful in Friendship & Fellowship
E_Efficient in Everything
R_Rare in Resilience
V_Very humble to the Vein
E_Exceptional in Excellent Examples
N_Nutures without Nagging
C_Caring even if Costly
Y_Yielding always to God's Yes

"see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently"

Saturday, 29 April 2017



They were all out of Egypt by God's miraculous hands but even among them were mixed multitudes.
For the mixed multitudes, Egypt has not come out of them, though its true that they are physically out of Egypt. Their heart still crave after the things of Egypt.
Moving with the mixed multitude is something that can be disastrous because by the time lust sets in within the mixed multitudes, it will affect the genuine ones among them.
It is more dangerous to move with the mixed multitudes than the sinners because when you are dealing with sinners you will know that these are sinners. On like the mixed multitudes who knows the truth but are not ready to obey though they still mingle with those who are really holding to the truth
The mixed multitudes have the following distinguishing features

M - Muddle up matters
I - Instigate others to be incorrigible
X - eXcuse eXcesses
E - Entertain Excuses
D - Derail from Details

M - Murmur in most cases
U - Utters words that that Unedifying
L - Live a double standard life
T - Teach half Truth
I - Indulges secretly in iniquities
T - Tear-down true friends
U - Undergoes agitations and uproars
D - Dethrone God in their day-to-day lifestyle
E - Eternally unconscious but earthly minded
S - Stray after strange doctrines

Numbers 11:4-5 (KJV)  And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, Who shall give us flesh to eat?
We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick:

Had it been the mixed multitude didn't fall a lusting, perhaps others wouldn't have had their focus shifted towards the things of Egypt. If sin will be found in the congregation of the righteous, it will be among the set of "mixed multitude". They deceptively find their way into the camp of the righteous.
On asserting the dangerous effects of the mixed multitudes, you are to follow the following steps carefully so that you can be free from their dangerous effect:
- Identify them
- Warn them of the God's judgement
- Reason with them on how they can escape eternal punishment
- Plead with them to turn to God
- Avoid them if they will not change
- Keep praying for them because God is not interested in the death of sinners
- Watch over your soul, because your soul should be your number one priority
Beware of the mixed multitude among the mighty men because they like a little leaven which will soon leaven up the whole lump if care is not taken. They Interested more in Intellectual reasoning than divine Inspiration which will on the long run detach one from his Maker.
Beware of the mixed multitude!

Tuesday, 18 April 2017



"pass the time of your sojourning here in fear"

Christians are not meant to live here on earth just like other people do. Their day to day existence should be governed by the theocratic Kingdom principles.
Our time of sojourn here is short, therefore appropriate care and caution should be taken in other to make sure that we live out that life that will make mark here on earth and we will not be eternally guilty of our existence on earth.
It is sure that we have so many activities we are engaged with and a lot of commitments that may want to take our time but in all, Apostle Peter is giving us an advice on how to live effectively here by saying "pass the time of your sojourning here in fear"
Therefore, passing your sojourning time here on earth entails the following:

_Allowing God to take the lead in all you Aspire
_Believing God in all situations and whatever Betide
_Coming closer to Him in all Cases
_Denying oneself even till Death
_Effectively evangelising your environment
_Following His footstep as a Friend
_Graciously holding on to the truth with a firm Grip
_Harnessing His anointing on your Head
_Interceding for souls to remove Satan's Impediment (sin)
_Judging yourself constantly in all you do so as not to be Judged
_Kneeling always at His through for the grace that Keeps
_Learning more of Him as though a layman
_Maintaining His mentorship over you as a Mentee
_Norturing the lambs and the New-comers
_Opening up to the Spirit for daily cross-examination Operation
_Pressing on to the mark of the high calling even in Persecution
_Quenching not the Spirit, but still Quiet
_Raising spiritual army for Christ not rattlers
_Saying yes to all the Master Says
_Teacher others the way Christ Taught
_Utilizing your time for kingdom Usefulness
_Verifying your abiding stand in the Vine (Christ)
_Watching constantly your Words
_Xraying your life in the Divine X-ray (the word of God)
_Yearning for more of his grace to Yield
_Zealously for the cause of the gospel as a Zealot


Monday, 17 April 2017



And his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. — Exodus 17:12 So mighty was the prayer of Moses, that all depended upon it. The petitions of Moses discomfited the enemy more than the fighting of Joshua. Yet both were needed. So, in the soul’s conflict, force and fervour, decision and devotion, valour and vehemence, must join their forces, and all will be well. You must wrestle with your sin, but the major part of the wrestling must be done alone in private with God. Prayer, like Moses’, holds up the token of the covenant before the Lord. The rod was the emblem of God’s working with Moses, the symbol of God’s government in Israel. Learn, O pleading saint, to hold up the promise and the oath of God before him. The Lord cannot deny his own declarations. Hold up the rod of promise, and have what you will. Moses grew weary, and then his friends assisted him. When at any time your prayer flags, let faith support one hand, and let holy hope uplift the other, and prayer seating itself upon the stone of Israel, the rock of our salvation, will persevere and prevail. Beware of faintness in devotion; if Moses felt it, who can escape? It is far easier to fight with sin in public, than to pray against it in private. It is remarked that Joshua never grew weary in the fighting, but Moses did grow weary in the praying; the more spiritual an exercise, the more difficult it is for flesh and blood to maintain it. Let us cry, then, for special strength, and may the Spirit of God, who helpeth our infirmities, as he allowed help to Moses, enable us like him to continue with our hands steady “until the going down of the sun;” till the evening of life is over; till till we shall come to the rising of a better sun in the land where prayer is swallowed up in praise.

Sunday, 16 April 2017



The bitter herbs of Gethsemane have often taken away the bitters of our life;
The scourge of Gabbatha has often scourged away our cares and worries;
And the groans of Golgotha have put all other groans to flight.
Thus Calvary yields us comfort rare and rich. We never should have known Christ’s love in all its heights and depths if he had not died; nor could we guess the Father’s deep affection if he had not given his Son to die.

Enjoy the blessedness of the blessed Redemption and remain blessed.
Happy Resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour!

Saturday, 15 April 2017


"One thing that is special about God is that He does not judge a man at the beginning of his life but He will give him a long rope to pull. If on the long run such a man refuses to change his way and he dies. He will then face God for judgement at the end of his life. Let's wait and see if he will have a justified reasons why he has refused to repent all throughout his lifetime"
Today is you own because you are still alive, don't wait for the end of your life because then there won't be a tenable excuse

Wednesday, 12 April 2017



The TRUTH about The TRUTH

The TRUTH, according to Oxford advance learner's dictionary is defined as "the true facts about something, rather than the things that have been invented or guessed". It can also be said to be verified fact.
It is the truth that we are to live on, live with and live for but so many people have embraced falsehood in place of truth.
Below are some simple basic truths about the TRUTH
_ The TRUTH, whether SAID or UNSAID, is the TRUTH;
_ The TRUTH, whether TAKEN or REJECTED, remains the TRUTH;
_ The TRUTH, whether ACCEPTED or NEGLECTED, it is still the TRUTH;
_ The TRUTH, whether REMEMBERED or FORGOTTEN , it still remains the TRUTH
_ The TRUTH, whether BELIEVED in the PAST and DISREGARD in the PRESENT, still remains the truth
_The TRUTH, whether RECOGNIZED in the VILLAGE and DISANNULLED in the CITY, it still remain the TRUTH
_The TRUTH, whether the POOR ACKNOWLEDGED by the POOR or DISDAINED by the RICH, it is still the TRUTH
_The TRUTH, whether BLOOMING or being BANNED, still remains the TRUTH

The TRUTH is the TRUTH and no matter what effort(s) anyone or group of people put up just against the TRUTH, it will never change the TRUTH.
Take the TRUTH
Read about the TRUTH
Unite with the TRUTH
Talk about the TRUTH
Hold-on to the TRUTH

2 Corinthians 13:8 (KJV)  For we can do NOTHING AGAINST THE TRUTH, but FOR THE TRUTH