Monday, 28 January 2019



"A little care you show by making a man of God inhabit a little chamber you've made to make his ministry convenient might be a route for your long-standing request to receive divine attestation"

Don't ever think that the little cup of water you give to children in the name of the Lord will ever go unrewarded. You might even say it's normal but God has a reward for you for that. 

Never underestimate the support or assistance you render to real men of God. To you it might be so insignificant that you call it a "little Chamber". 

From 2 Kings 4:9 And she said unto her husband, Behold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of God. A holy man of God carries the presence and the power of God; making a chamber for him in your house is like bringing the presence and the power of God into your house. Which is tantamount to bringing the ark of God into your house. And where the ark of God is becomes an arena where the aura of His presence lives.

The care the Shunammite woman showed simply teaches us that we can contribute in our own little way to making the work of God convenient and conducive to real men of God. And by extension to everyone around us. It must also be noted that, no effort put up for the work of God will be unrewarded. For the Shunammite woman, the little chamber brought   

- in the presence of God to her home

- into action the power of God in her home

- in the preeminence of God in her home

- into her womb provision of God

- an end to perennial problem that brought humiliation 

- promotion, from humiliation to honour 

- praises to God in her home


Some people still remain in their problems because they have refused to care for the person who would have lifted them off the mire when they had the opportunity. Opportunity in life comes but once. Never let the opportunity to put up a caring act pass you by without doing it. You never can tell, the person who is receiving your care today might have the key to open the door locked against you that will lead you to laughter throughout out life.

Show some care! 

2 Kings 4:8-10, 16-17 (KJV) And it fell on a day, that Elisha passed to Shunem, where was a great woman; and she constrained him to eat bread. And so it was, that as oft as he passed by, he turned in thither to eat bread.

 And she said unto her husband, Behold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of God, which passeth by us continually.

Let us make a little chamber, I pray thee, on the wall; and let us set for him there a bed, and a table, and a stool, and a candlestick: and it shall be, when he cometh to us, that he shall turn in thither.

And he said, About this season, according to the time of life, thou shalt embrace a son. And she said, Nay, my lord, thou man of God, do not lie unto thine handmaid.

And the woman conceived, and bare a son at that season that Elisha had said unto her, according to the time of life.

"Always take note of little things" 

Thursday, 24 January 2019



"Learn to say something positive into someone's life. It might appear insignificant to you, never mind cos the effect will be felt"

Words of blessings are words that sends exhortatory signals to make one more effective in life. 

Don't open your mouth to speak if your utterance will not bless someone. 

"Make your days count, not by number of words you have spoken in a day but by how many persons you bless when you speak

Make your weeks count, not by those who got weakened by your words but by those whose weaknesses were washed off by your blessed words

Make your months count, not by making men mourn for murderous words that comes out of your mouth but by the multitudes you have successfully moulded their lives by saying words that blesses their mind

Make your years count not by yelling or placing a yoke on young and fresh minds (youths) you come in contact with but by making your words go yonder into then turning their yobbery into usefulness

By so doing your life will count even after your yonks"

Save your future by blessing your today

Save an adult by blessing a youth

Save a youth by blessing a child 

Save a child by blessing an infant

Save an infant by blessing the pregnancy

Save the pregnancy by blessing a woman

Saving a woman is a blessing to her home

Saving a  home is a blessing to your community 

Saving a community is a blessing to your state 

Saving a state is a blessing to your nation 

Saving your nation is a blessing to the world 

Save the world with words that bless

Proverbs 25:11 (KJV)  A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

"Always take note of little things



The sudden chase you are experiencing calls for a serious self evaluation. The reason is no other than the neglect of "the thing that is good"

Pause, don't you think something good is missing in you? I suppose you are a man of prayer. You no longer have time to communicate with God as usual. "The thing that is good" is missing already. The more reason why the enemy is after you. You used to value holiness and give it all it takes. All of a sudden you don't bother about little lies. And you think the devil won't take advantage of that? Definitely, he will be after you. 

You were known to be a man of full commitment unto the things of God. The way lukewarmness has taken over that commitment is appalling. And you are satisfied? Then the enemy must be after you. 

The kingdom of God you seek first in all you do and expect all others to be added later. In a jiffy, the situation is now in a reversed form. The enemy will definitely want to strike. 

You have cast of the good thing for the goodies. You are interested more in playing than praying. The daily Bible reading and study has been traded for a lot of garrulity. 

You have cast off something good, It's time for you to retrace your step back. Get all you have lost back before the enemy overpower you. 

Wednesday, 9 January 2019



"Keep abiding because evil messengers will not be able to harm you and their intentions to rain curses on you will turn blessing"

Many think after they have known the Lord, they can go to anywhere they like or live any life they want all in the name of grace. Definitely there is grace, but it's not a licence to sin. It is only a proof of His sufficiency to keep you through whatever may come your way.
Just like some forces (electrical, gravitational and magnetic forces) have fields. So also, grace has it's own field which whoever claims to be saved must abide. Whoever wants to continuously enjoy the presence and the potency of the power of God must be willing to obey the simple word "abide".
The word abide might look so simple to understand and common but a lot of people still find it difficult to obey the action word. Before the word "abide" can be used, there must be a provision for a location or region to which the word is to cover.
It was expressly commanded by Christ that Christians should abide in Him. This is the only guarantee for our fruitfulness and enjoying the blessings of heaven.
Many a times people wander out of the circumference of grace (they move out of the grace-field). It is not surprising that they had hardly gone far that evil befalls them.
In the case of the children of Israel, even when the instigated enemy came to curse them but because he met them abiding, the intended evil utterances were turned around for blessings. Numbers 24:2, 5-7 (KJV)  And Balaam lifted up his eyes, and he saw Israel abiding in his tents according to their tribes...
Make it a habit to abide not for a season but always within the circumference of grace.
Learn to abide in His presence now and you will forever be happy in His presence eternally.

"Always take note of little things"

Sunday, 6 January 2019



Many a great thing begins with something little. A very big tree would have grown from a little seed planted some years back. Many gigantic buildings would have started from a little structure called foundation. Even a fully grown human is a product of fusion of a very small male sex cell with the female sex cell.
Therefore, there are some acts that ate seemingly little but goes a long way in affecting lives and making one great in life.
Little little things have turned:
Weaklings to strongmen
Failure to success
Barrenness to Fruitfulness
Barriers to breakthrough
Coward to champion

In this series, I will alphabetically take some seemingly little actions or situations that yielded something big in a little while

Always take note of little things, they count