If you are not humble, you won't be able to fear God. It is humility that will make you respect Him which you cannot see but can only feel. It is in humility that you can admit that your Maker is a Supreme being. The pride of philosophers will make them speak disdainfully against God and would not allow them fear the Creator of the heaven and the earth. They have been puffed up and will definitely have no regard for God.
Show me a man who fears God, that is the man who understands what it means to be humble. Don't miss out in the list of those whom God have selected to give riches to, be honoured and to give longevity in life.
This humility starts from the point where you accept that you are a sinner and you need a Saviour. Then go to Him with a penitent heart for forgiveness and cleansing. Furthermore, agree to always obey Him and not to go back to your evil ways. By so doing, to fear God becomes your nature